Antique Sextant, Pillar frame by Troughton, London.


Antique Sextant made by Troughton, London.

A late 18th Century / very early 19th Century brass pillar or double frame navigators Sextant, signed on the arc Troughton, London.

The silver scale is engraved from -5 degrees to 150 degrees and can measure angles up to 123 degrees, it is divided into 10 minute increments. The silver Vernier scale reads from 0 to 10 seconds of arc and the index arm if fitted with a swinging scale magnifier.

The Sextant has an 8 inch radius.

This is a very early Sextant and it has been upgraded and modernised at some point, with the addition of a larger horizon mirror and a more efficient wide angle telescope. The Sextant is contained in a fitted hardwood box / carry case and comes with four telescopes & eye piece sun filter.

Troughton ( John & Edward ) are recorded as manufacturing Sextants in London between 1788 and 1804.